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Rumor: Gears of War 3 in Development for Fall 2010

Tue, Dec 9, 2008

Xbox 360


The latest EGM (which has Wolverine on the cover) has a rather juicy rumor. Seems that Cliff and the guys at Epic are already hard at work on Gears of War 3 for the Xbox 360. Word is there are plenty of tweaks in the works to the engine and a new 5 player co-op experience. If true, Microsoft has at least another sure fire hit for next fall. Although it does seem to be a bit soon for another Gears game, but perhaps Epic just wants to finish out this trilogy on the 360. Either way Gears fans will be happy to finally close out this chapter in the Locust war. Besides Gear 3, Epic is also hard at work on an all new original horror title which will be multiplatform. 09 looks to be one super busy year for Epic.

[EDIT] - Seems it’s not 09 but 2010, which sure as hell makes a lot more sense. Well nice to know that the 360 has at least 2 more years in it.



Bring it on.  I am extremely happy with Gears 2.