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Comrade Tovya said:
There isn't an electable Republican at the moment... I actually really liked the McCain/Palin ticket a lot, but McCain is a great guy but a horrible politician... and Palin seems to be *real*, but the party strategists really threw her under the bus with the horrible media interviews they set her up for. The '08 race was travesty for the party in my opinion.

In all reality though, I think Palin would make a great president. She's not a politician, she actually means what she says...

It's just too early to say who is electable for the party right now, but I hope someone steps out of the shadows soon enough.


The GOP may have mishandled Palin, but she is equally responsible for her performance; I shudder at the thought of a president who could not name one SC decision (other than Roe v. Wade) she did not agree with or a magazine she read to remain abreast on foreign matters.

There are some “electable” Republicans. Romney, however, is not a viable candidate. He has an oleaginous quality that many I know find unsavory. Huckabee could be an acceptable candidate if he reduced his fundamentalist rhetoric. Gingrich remains a viable candidate. I would posit that Gingrich will win the nomination. Yes, he possesses some personal baggage, but he also possesses a substantial record of accomplishment as Speaker of the House. I remember in 1995 when he forced Clinton to remind everyone at a press conference that he was still relevant. He is intelligent and an engaging speaker. He has the conservative credentials to mollify those on the right, but he is not a rabid fundamentalist. It is a tremendous gamble, but it could result in a tremendous reward.