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I think Star Ocean has a good shot to be the first JRPG (only talking about HD - don't know how well JRPGs for Wii sell, sorry.) to be a million-seller. Lost Odyssey sold 800k and did a great job in doing so. Star Ocean is way more popular in Japan, so I expect a 150k sales from Japan. Star Ocean III sold 750k in the US alone, so I think, this one might sell pretty well in the West, too.

But the PS-fanboys are sooo funny. TLR is about 60 hours, Star Ocean will just take as long as TLR did (maybe even longer? I mean it comes on 3 DVDs TLR came on 2). So why are 3 Discs a problem? Getting out your seat every 20 hours is a big deal? Come on! If you play 3 hours a day, you insert the first disc and change it a week later. That can not be a problem at all.

This is just a way of trolling. PS3 fans act like DVD would be the wrong format for gaming. GTA IV fit on 1 DVD, Gears of War2 fit on 1 DVD, Fable2 fit on 1 DVD. So there is space developers can create great games with.

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