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Sadly i diasgree with you on both of those. Megaman 9 was an excercise in frustration as it was filled with cheap deaths...

A lot of 8 bit gamers grew up with this cheapness, but I started gaming with the 16 bit generation...hence megaman pissed me off to the point I have actually transfered the rights to the game to my freinds xbox.

Bionic commando was ok but not as fun as some other xbl games this summer in my opinion. The levels where there is no light are not fun to play at all plus the game doesn't know what its trying to do, so it does everything (sidescrollign shooter, platforming, top down shooter). And it doesn't do anything perticularly well... I liked the training rooms the most.

However, I agree that xbox live is an amazing source of excellent games. SF2HD, Castle crashers, Duke nukem, Portal...they come in many shapes and sizes and mos tof them are great fun.