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Tremble said:
because 150k FFXIII sold in japan is not really important. They need to keep it ps3 exclusive in japan to satisfy playstation fans (psp+ps3)


It isn't about satisfying playstation fans, it is about making the most profit possible.  150k extra units may cover the cost of releasing FFXIII in Japan (in fact, it almost certainly would), but there is the question of delaying the game.

Perhaps Microsoft wasn't willing to pay for multiplat FF13 in Japan and SE wasn't willing to throw it in for free.  It might come there eventually.

There are many benefits to exclusivity.
Why don't people get this through their thick skulls.
Exclusivity can improve sales by quite a bit despite being on a smaller user base.

FF13 wouldn't sell fewer units in Japan by staying exclusive.  I don't see how you could possibly argue that.  It would certainly sell more units if it was on both platforms.

The 360 is the future of HD consoles this generation and S-E sees that.  However, this is only true for Europe and America. Japan is still up for grabs as no HD consoles have sold well there yet.