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TWRoO said:
Comrade Tovya said:
TWRoO said:
When did you get your X360 Tovya?


Dec '05

Wow, and now that I think about it, I think I undershot my hours estimate... I was previously only factoring in two years of play, but I forget, it's '08, so I'm closer to 3 years then.

Well I was going to claim that my playing bsically the same hours in less time is more impressive, especially considering I don't see myself as hardcore in any way.... but if you missed a year then it's moot.



I don't think you are any more or less hardcore based upon hours of playing... I think that's a bad definition of hardcore really.  Some people average 5 hours a week (like my dad) and then I put in probably 30+ hours a week.  But I have an in-home office, so I get a lot of down time to do it, which most people don't.

The industry really sees hardcore gamers as those gamers that turn a profit for their company.

For instance, Sony takes a loss on each PS3 sold (or so I've heard), but they turn a profit later on games & accessories... therefore, if all you do is buy a single game and a PS3, you're probably not the hardcore customer that the gaming industry craves.  Nintendo has it best in my opinion, they make somewhere around $60.00 on each Wii sold... so even if all you ever do is play Wii Sports, Nintendo still comes out well.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
