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BTFeather55 said:

For the people that kept trying to say this game is a little niche rpg and that means it is heading for the Wii. Persona started to shift away from being a little gothic niche rpg when Persona 3: FES came out and was given a 10 from Play and an 8.8 from IGN much higher scores than any 360 jrpg released so far. However, this 9.7 on Metacritic takes it out of the niche rpg group. Now it is something that could have happened for the Tales series or the Mist Walker games but for some reason they just weren't good enough. What it does do for Persona is it puts it up there with GTA, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, God of War, Gears of War, Final Fantasy the elite titles in gaming.

The Persona series has just become a very hot commodity. The next game in the series is going to be Meat Loaf in 1977 with Bat Out of Hell, Metallica in 1991 with the Black Album, and Marilyn Manson in 1997 with Antichrist Superstar. It has become the GTA of rpgs and as Chris Jericho would say, "A sexy beast!" I don't think there can be any way that Microsoft isn't interested in bringing the next game in this series to the 360, and in making Persona 5 their big game of the holiday season '09. Its sales will be fueled by hype and notoriety with Christian groups throughout the USA standing up in arms against this "Satanic game that MS will be bringing to the market during the Christmas season." It will be discussed for days on various Christian broadcasting stations and Fox News generating the same type of clamor for the game that was generated for metal music from such sources during its best days in the eighties. And, I predict that Microsoft is even going to commission a special edition shiny black 360 with red and green flames running down the sides to go along with the release.

The league Persona is in is more like the ICO/SotC league.  Which means that the series will get high scores but it won't get the sales they deserve.