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Gamerace said:
IGN has lost a lot of credibility if you ask me. They seriously need to review their reviews. I feel there's been too much personal opinion in many of them and a lack of objectivity.

"We review games at IGN based on their own merits" - Where is that in many reviews?

Point in case many Wii games - which are deducted points for not being more like the HD versions instead of being compared to other Wii games of the same nature and how they stack up against them. CoDWaW is a good example. Is it better than the HD versions? Hell no. Is it better than MoH:H2? In almost every way - hell yes. But it scored lower.


 i agree with you, IGN has lost a lot of respect for using too much personal opinion to review products. i stop listening to IGN reviews a long time ago because of this reason. the only thing that makes IGN useful is that the release dates for games are updated a lot more often then certain websites such as game informer where they don't post up a lot of games.