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Moongoddess256 said:
man you guys persist and I can't resist the temptation of continuing.

A case of where abortion might have been the best thing for a child(and at the same time showing how abortion can be abused, so it satisfies both sides):

Once upon a time there was this slut. She wanted to get a husband. So she goes and sleeps with a guy and gets knocked up. She says MARRY ME! He says HELL NO. She gets an abortion. She sleeps with another guy and gets knocked up. She says MARRY ME! He says HELL NO. She gets another abortion. She sleeps with a third guy, this one is catholic and she gets knocked up. She says MARRY ME! He says well I guess I kinda have to now. She keeps it. He decides he can't stand her after a while and leaves her anyways. She goes out and parties it up and leaves the baby alone. When she is around she beats it when it cries. Now that the kid is grown up, hes deaf in one ear from his beatings as a baby. Hes really messed up in the head, gets arrested frequently, does every drug under the sun, is a dealer, gets in frequent car accidents gets in fights etc. Nothing about his life is right, and he is the definition of a bad and evil person.

In the above story the problem is not that Abortion was available to her nor is it that she got knocked up. Its that she is a BAD PERSON. Maybe if we could prevent BAD PEOPLE from happening in the first place by maybe cutting some slack to allow people to not be born into horrible situations that will only warp their minds and cause the cycle to repeat. And maybe if the cycle is broken then people wont feel compelled to get needless abortions like that anymore.

I'm a good person who doesn't live for instant gratification. But I was raised reasonably well.

I agree with the premise.  Still, I believe that abortion is simply wrong and many ppl do the above.