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Sony's plan for a mascot (if one even exists) is likely irrelevant to this console generation. It's all about name-recognition. Currently, I'd speculate that most people will recognize Mario more than Nintendo and most people will recognize Playstation more than Sackboy. If Sony wants a mascot, it needs to go full out with marketing of it in advance for next gen otherwise it's just a passing trend.

Also, disappointing sales to one person are not necessarily bad sales. The OP was expecting more from LBP which seems fairly obvious while comparing it to other titles as an earlier quote shows: "Brawl, MKWii, Wii Fit, Galaxy. Those sold over 2 million in the first week." People jumping in anger and attacking the OP are showing their own immaturity as it's also quite obvious that sales over a million are not in any way bad which the OP more than likely realizes.

Of course, it's always easier to post a "you fail" than a thoughtful response. You'd think some of these people with the 4 and 5 digit post counts would have outgrown that by now.