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I had my ps2 for 6 years, played around 900 hour and have 15 games, i bough it at US$200,

and games were around US$60

So my ps2 gave me 1 hour of fun for every US$1.22 i spent on it.

Based on this kind of analisys, which have been the most expensive console you have owned? considering that the more you play with the original investment the cheaper the hour of fun per dollar become


i cant tell about the nes and snes but i think that my ps1 was about US$1.50 per hour of fun, and i know that my Ps3 is rigth now at US$8.00 per hour of fun (around US$210 on game US$500 on console, 100 hours of playtime)

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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