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 Okay, first - best selling. I know this is easy to find on VGChartz, but I decided to post it here too, as it is very interesting, and people could have missed it. I apologize for the incredibly crappy colours, but the VGChartz colours have decided to go nuts on me.


Top 10 Americas

1. Wii Sports - 8.7M

2. SSB Brawl - 4.34M

3. Mario Kart Wii - 4.15M (likely to pass Brawl)

4.  GTA IV 360 - 4.04M

5. Wii Fit - 3.98M (will pass GTA IV in 1 or 2 weeks, could pass Brawl)

6.  Wii Play - 3.94M (will probably pass GTA IV)

7. Gears 2 - 2.27M 

8. GTA IV Ps3 - 2.17M

9. CoD 4 X360 - 1.93M

10. CoD 5 X360 -  1.63M



- 3 returning titles on there. Wii Play, Wii Sports and CoD 4 X360.  CoD 4 X360 is the first non Nintendo game to chart twice in the top 10 Americas yearly, and the 4th all time (well, since 2004) I believe.

- The chart should end with 5 Wii games as the top 5. That's insane.

- In total, 5 Wii games, 4 X360 games and 1 Ps3 game. 11th and 12th are DS games, in case you want to discount Wii Sports or Wii Play.



1. Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G - 2.59M

2.  Pokemon Platinum - 1.97M

3. Wii Fit - 1.93M

4. MKWii - 1.83M

5. SSB Brawl - 1.8M

6. Dragon Quest 5 DS - 1.2M

7. Rhytm Tengoku Gold - 1.15M

8. Wii Sports -  0.72M

9. Metal Gear Solid 4: 0.66M

10. Phantasy Star PSP - 0.66M



-  Only 1 returning title - Wii Sports. Wii Fit isn't returning, as it didn't manage top 10 last year (14th)

- Surprisingly enough, Ps3 has 9th here and 8th in Americas. So even there. Also, that MGS4 is biggest in Japan (in comparison to other games) is a big surprise.

- The best X360 game charts at 74th place and is Tales of Vesperia.

-  Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G accounted for over 1/3 of the PsP's total software. 

-  Mario Kart Wii + Wii Fit + SSB Brawl accounted for half of the Wii's total software.

- 4 Wii games, 3 DS games, 2 PsP games, 1 Ps3 game.


Okay, to Others. You cannot find a yearly on this, so I have to make it. Relatively tough to do, and there are probably some errors here.


Top 11 Others

1. Wii Sports - 8.3M

2. Wii Fit - 4.57M

3. MKWii - 4.45M 

4. Wii Play - 3.54M

5. GTA IV Ps3 - 2.6M 

6. Brain Training - 2.5M

7. GTA IV X360 - 2.2M 

8. Nintendogs - 1.95M

9. More BT - 1.88M 

10. NSMB - 1.87M 

11. Mario Kart DS - 1.87M



- Hard to count returning titles, but I think there are 5 of them. Wii Sports, Wii Play, Brain Training, Nintendogs and New Super Mario Bros.

- Every single title  is made by either Rockstar or Nintendo. 9 are made by Nintendo though.

- Chances are, BT will pass GTA Ps3, making Others too top 5 Nintendo only. This means that the only area Nintendo doesn't have the top 5, is the country they come from. Do they really control Japan?

- Half of the titles here are likely to return in the top 10 for 2009 as well.

- 4 Wii games, 4 DS games (+ 11th), 1 Ps3 game and 1 X360 game.


And to the perhaps most interesting. Post any lacking titles please.


2.5M + Worldwide (data may be incorrect with the other areas due to rounding issues).

1. Wii Sports - 17.5M

2. Wii Fit - 10.35M

3. MKWii - 10.43M

4. Wii Play - 7.85M 

5. SSBB - 7.48M 

6. GTA IV X360 - 6.33M

7. GTA IV Ps3 - 4.98M 

8. New Super Mario Bros - 3.7M

9. Brain Training - 3.7M 

10. MGS 4 - 3.55M

11. Mario & Sonic DS - 3.47M 

12. More Brain Training 3.45M 

13. MKDS - 3.45M 

14. Mario & Sonic Wii - 3.3M 

15. Gears 2 - 3.3M 

16. Nintendogs - 3.1M

17. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl - 3.1M 

18. SMG - 2.7M 

19. CoD 4 360 - 2.6M 

20. Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G - 2.6M 



- 7 Wii games, 7 DS games, 3 X360 games, 2 Ps3 games and 1 PsP game (I may have missed some).

-  Top 5 WW is Wii games only.

- There are 10 games that also sold 2.5M more in 2007. Wii Sports, Wii Play, NSMB, Brain Train, More Brain Train, MKDS, Nintendogs, Pokemon D/P, SMG and CoD 4 X360.  

 - Nintendo has published 13 of the 14 games on their platforms.




That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS