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Pristine20 said:

Your average Gears 2 owner or KZ2 owner isn't who these games are aimed at. Fire emblem had an ace up it's sleeve, even though it's niche, it's published by nintendo. Wii music would tank extra hard if it there was no wii in the title and the same exact game was published by Atari or someone else.

Wii will never be the JRPG console of choice. You also have to understand that a majority of it's owners aren't even contenders for potential buyers of these games because they'll get no hype, promotion or tv advertising whatsoever and these people are mostly casuals so I don't see the wii as the deal breaker. Also, if you played DDS and P3, I personally can't see the wii getting away with a games that have cannibalism and what looks like constant suicide. It just doesn't sit well with the wii they advertise on TV which is an added minus. All the new wii JRPGS fit the family-friendly stereotype while megaten is just on a different level.

In conclusion, JRPG users can't flock to any single console this gen. PS2 will probaly keep its JRPG crown for the whole of this gen. Due to the fact that mostly only hardcore fans of the series would even know P5 release date, I think it'll be ps2 if released in or before 2010 or ps3 if released after 2010. These are my most likely scenarios


This post is full of an unacceptable amount of ignorance.  Nintendo has done nothing to limit content on Wii games past those that are rated AO by the ESRB (Which neither Sony nor Microsoft allow).  Manhunt 2, No More Heroes, and MadWorld are incredibly graphic.  Far more than any Persona game has ever been.

As for audience, the Wii has sold far better in JRPGs in Japan than the PS3 or 360.  Dragon Quest Swords is more than double the highest selling PS3 or 360 RPG in Japan, and the Tales spinoff outsold the new main game on 360.  Probably for a small fraction of the dev costs. 

As for actual RPG offerings on the platform, you should be paying a lot more attention to the Wii if you are an RPG fan, as it's got much more coming for it than the PS3 or 360 in the genre.  Not as many big names, to be sure, but as a Persona fan that should hardly matter to you at all. What matters is the quality, and as you should know, the little-known names are often the best.

Some games you should be looking at:

Arc Rise Fantasia
Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
Muramasa: The Demon Blade
Rune Factory: Frontier
Golden Bonds