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Nice look on things, a couple of points that concerned me though.

First being, where you've listed Memory and Speaker, surely if a product lacks this it should get a 0 not 4, as that means Wii's use of it is underminded because the advantage of having them is minimal in comparison.

Also, the battery thing, having to change batteries and buy AAs is surely worse then just recharging it from any standard USB cable like the PS3 controllers?

Also, this:


GC, Wii, 360 all get 5 points for rumble

PS3 gets 2 points for sony's 13th hour addition of rumble in the dual shock"

I understand the PS3 but PS2 controller which came out before GC controller had Rumble and you could use that on the PS3 if you wanted.

And this doesn't consider quality in the rumble, have you felt the Wii rumble lately? It's an insult compared the DS3. Nothing more then a buzz, it's noisy too. I should feel it not hear it.

Hmm, pie.