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Sardauk said:
ultraslick said:
Killzone 2 will not sell more than Halo. I have no delusions about such a thing. I don't think anyone on this site would think that.


So ?? How will the success of KZ2 be evaluated ?

What about that Halo3-killer ?



There won't ever be a Halo 3 killer unless some company did a rip-off of it but improved upon everything, making Halo 3 obsolete. KZ2 and Halo have different playstyles. KZ2 is aimed abit more at realism. I thought the idea of making it a sci-fi FPS without lasers and aliens was awesome. Halo 3 feels abit more casual - it's easier to jump into. It's a much more colorful game...not literally (but I guess it can be literal if you're comparing to KZ2's scenery), but the guns have alot more variety and functions.

A great-quality game can only be "killed" if another game with very similar style outperforms it in every way. I find KZ2's whole gameplay style and visuals more attractive, but that wouldn't stop me from buying Halo 2/3 if they were on PS3.


colonelstubbs said:
It has the graphics but um...does it have the gameplay?


 Most of the people that played the SP/MP betas will give you a big yes. The insane amount of hype that the game's been getting is expected. The quality/gameplay of the full game is still questionable though.

PSN: Parasitic_Link