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*~Onna76~* said:
Riachu said:
Godot said:
My take: both will be great games (I'm more interested in SO4 because I like Star Ocean) but both games won't sell very well. I say both should be able to reach 200k in Japan and WKC should be able to make it to 300k or even 400k. However, I fear both games won't do well in the west. However, they could do well if they are advertised properly.

Star Ocean will probably get advertised properly since S-E are pretty good with marketing. It's WKC we have to worry about since Sony has has problems with marketing in the past couple of years. I'm sure S-E with market SO4 as best as they can since they most likely want it to do way better than Infinite Undiscovery and The Last Remnant.




Sony did else a pretty good job with hyping LBP but those sales are IMO still disappointing for such a hyped game. Therefore I fear the worst for WKC. We don't have to worry about Japan. Japan goes nuts for RPG's, but the West on the other hand... naah... total bomb like VC. And the most fun part is... you hear nothing but complaining there aren't any RPG's on the PS3 and as soon as they're there, those same people seem to have a lame excuse of not buying the game after all

I am pretty sure SRPGs are way more niche than regular JRPGs.  VC was never intended to sell a million copies like WKC has.