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Hey all, I'm going to provide a comparison of 6 video game controllers




Xbox360 controller


classic controller

Gamecube controller


I decided that reviewing the PS2 and xbox controllers was unnecessary, as the only real difference between them and the GC controller mostly come down to personal preference.


I am making each catagory worth as much as any other.

Anything that comes down to personal preference, I shall leave alone

The best controller for a catagory gets 5 points, 2nd best gets 4. If there is a tie between 2 controllers for first, they both get 5, no-one gets 4, and 3rd place gets 3 etc


Wireless (not connected to the console by a wire)

PS3, Wii and Classic get 5 points for having wireless controllers bundled from the start

360 gets 2 points for having wireless controllers with the exception of wired controllers bundled at the start with the core

PC and GC get 1 point for having optional wireless controllers

(I would like to hand the victory to Wiimote, because it uses AA batteries instead of a proprietry battery, but that's just personal preference so I shant)


Player Identification

PSWii60 and classic all get 5 points for having a light indicating which player they are in split screen multiplayer

K+M also gets 5 points, because it is not the fault of the controller that there is no split screen multiplayer

GC gets 0, because (assuming the controllers are the same colour, there is no way to tell which player you are once the cords get tangled


Analogue inputs x dimensions of freedom of each (analogue triggers/buttons count as 1, analogue sticks count as 2, plus pads count as 1, because unlike analogue sticks, they dont register how far down they're pushed, just the angle at which they are pushed, motion sensitivity in 3 dimensions counts as 3, rotation sensitivity in 3 dimensions counts as 3, Mouse and IR pointer have 2 degrees of freedom, therefore count as 2)

That was a mouthful ^.

Wii has 15 and thus earns itself 5 points

Wiimote itself has 6 of motion, and 1 from the plus pad

Nunchuck has 6 of motion, and 2 from control stick

PS3 has 12 and thus gets 4 points

4 from analogue sticks, 6 from sixaxis tech, 2 from analogue shoulder buttons (the plus pad doesnt have 360 degrees of freedom, it's just 4 buttons, so no points from that)

GC, classic and 360 are all tied on 7 I believe, and so earn 3 points each

PC has a mere 2 degrees of freedom, and thus gets 0


Digital Inputs

PC wins on 'lots' and gets 5 points

PS3 15 (14 for developers) (4 arrow buttons, the 2 analogue sticks can be pressed as well, 2 digital triggeer buttons, [] triangle, O, X start select and the PS button) and gets 4 points

Wii, 360 and classic both have 9 (8 available to developers) and get 3 points each

GC 6 (a b x y z start) no points



Wiimote has a speaker - 5 points

The rest lack speakers - 4 points each



GC, Wii, 360 all get 5 points for rumble

PS3 gets 2 points for sony's 13th hour addition of rumble in the dual shock

Classic and keyboard get 1 for having no rumble



Wiimote gets 5 points for having 8 kb of memory

All others get 4 points for lacking such functionality


Finally, Price

Keyboard gets 5 points. Before you argue with me on this, count the number of keyboards in your house. Count how many mice you have. Keyboards can always be got for free, as can mice. If you want extra features, you can pay more

360 $37

4 points here, nice price

GC Wow, I can't seem to find data. I'm assuming it was somewhere in this range

3 points

PS3 $55

2 points

Wiimote+nunchuk/classic $40 + $20

1 point



Wii 34/40

PS3 30/40

360 30/40

Classic 26/40

PC 25/40

GC 20/40




And before you say, GC controller should have 100 bonus points for being so damn comfy, I agree, but that's hardly scientific :P


*edit* The 360 controller uses the analogue sticks as buttons, which gains it two points to tie with the Sixaxis/Dualshock