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Here's my take:

I'd like to have Zelda in 09 but I can see Ninty pushing it into 2010.

For early next year, we'll have Sin and Punishment 2 and Punch Out (and hopefully Fatal Frame 4 and that one Tenchu game for the Wii) which will bring slightly more core audience. For the casuals, I see replenished Wii Fit and AC:CF and Wii Sports: Resort software supplies.

Pikmin and Metroid 1 and 2 as well as all those Wii-versions of GCN classics will also keep the Wii afloat amidst the Spring/ Summer season, as well as more 3rd party offerings in the form of Wii Ware and VC. Disaster might get a US release date as well.

E3 and TGS will be more forthcoming with new 3rd party games. Hopefully that new ToS game for the Wii will see a US release date soon. It'll sure light up the charts. How about a Layton game for the Wii??? Its possible. The Japanese seem to love that series very much.

Pikmin 1 and 2 will be hyped for the Fall release of Pikmin 3. F-Zero could also see a release date (Hopefully SEGA will develop it). Along with these two, and the casual-centric Mario Party 9, along with the ever-popular Wii Fit, will hold the Wii afloat the competition for the competitive holiday season. There could be a possible release date for Kid Icarus as well but i'm still a little iffy on that. And what is Retro working on right now???

Of course, if Zelda comes in late 09, that would change everything.

As for Mario Galaxy 2, I just dont think its time for another one just yet until mid 2010 at the earliest.

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy