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O this should be ALOT of fun AWSOME topic +10 for the great idea.

First console. Rest in chronological order.

Nes - Mario 1-2

GB - Mario 2

Game gear - Sonic 2

Genesis - Sonic 1-2-3

SNES - Mario (the one with all the mario games in it cant remeber name)

SNES slim - Mario RPG

Gameboy Color - O look a color portable that does not die after 2hours of play and 6 AA's YAY!!

N64 - Mario 64 and Zelda (first console I payed for myself)

PS1 - O.o; FF8 I think... tons of RPGS YAY!!

Gamecube - Phantasy Star Online (wierd huh)

Dreamcast - Sonic, Phantasy Star Online, Soul Calibur ( o and it was $40 with 5 games)

PS2 - I forget actually... Maybe FF

Xbox - Halo WOOT

DS - Mario 64 again!

Wii - Super Smash Bros Brawl!

Xbox 360 - Halo 3 WTF!

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"