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People wonder why the PS3 is under-performing in Japan, that list is why the PS3 is under-performing in Japan.

Sorry, just wanted clarification - they're referring to the games themselves, correct? The fact that Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds is #2, Dynasty Warriors is #3-4, and PES 08 is #5, not the sales (or so I thought). If this is the case, PES 09 overtaking 08 won't change anything.

Now... I was going to bring up how strange the list looked, but to my surprise the PS2 looked similar - Hot Shots Golf, PES, and Dynasty Warriors were always extremely popular there. The problem is the lack of GT, Onimusha and Square Enix - that covers the entire PS2 top 26 in Japan. According to VGC, SE games on the PS2 in Japan have spots 1-4, 6, 11, 14. Ouch.

@Jo21: An HD Dragon Quest? DQ is one of Japan's biggest franchises - DQ8 had nearly 80% of its sales coming from Japan alone! I know Square Enix have done some questionable things lately, but I don't think they're that stupid.