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And if not game,then what?

First,there was amiga: which my dad bought me coz I liked playing that frog game.

Then,Super nintendo:I didin't know about games or consoles that time,I really can't remember much but I remember my mom bringin it over me and playing Yoshi's island,Megaman x2 and some weird Captain America game with friends.

Playstation 1:I was at my friend house,and well we played Tekken 3 and Metal gear solid.Awesome.Mind blowing.Destruction!Then I traded my Super nintendo and all games for Ps1,Mortal combat 4,Dark Omen and G-police.



GBA SP:Zelda minish cap.

Playstation 2:Well...Metal gear solid 2.

PSP:Megaman maveric hunter,Gta Liberty city stories.Just had money and wanted to try it.Awesome.

Nintendo Ds lite:Castlevania and Advance wars.

PS3:Metal gear solid 4.

Is pretty nice to see,that what game I started at PS1,is reason for me to buy Ps3.Same goes for nintendo and PSP,Megaman started it, but ofc there was this Pokemon hype when I was kid...



Take my love, take my land..