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I sure hope the game gets rated greatly. It's one of the "hope" games the PS3 owners and FPS lovers need and deserve from SONY. Will it sell well? I believe so. Will it get high reviews? In the graphics department thus far, yes. We know (atleast me) nothing about the game, where it takes place, the story behind the trailers, nothing. Will it be one of the highest rated games of all time? Doubtful. Why? Because making a game that can blow away an audience with incredible gameplay, story, controls, graphics, physics, online, multiplayer and "come-back" factor (replay value) is HARD. This is why it's rare to see games rated 10 on sites like Gamespot and IGN, sites that devote some time to the game. Well, IGN, atleast.

I hope that the game is a SUCCESS and that it sells well and gets great reviews, this way SONY has a winning formula, a game that people want and like and will be a base for games to come.

Also, do you really think it's graphics rival Crysis? I won't start posting pics of Crysis in Ultra High Def. If you haven't seen them, then I guess I can understand the comment.