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Simple, Microsoft didn't do much for the 360 in Japan with getting a lot of JRPGs, but it did stop the PS3 for selling more (price is key but not having JRPGs didn't help either)...

Now, in december White Knight Chronicles arrives, the 1st PS3's JRPG, and from Level-5, a company that has earned Japan's respect... This could be the beginning of something...

Nintendo sure needs some 3rd party and more games that appeal to the non-casual, and it's getting some love (Capcom with Monster Hunter 3 especially), but it needs more, because Japan is not the West where the majority of the Wii owners are soccer moms, girlfriends, grandpas, etc. that have it for the casual 5 (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Music and Mario Kart Wii which appeals for the 2 groups)...

The bottom line is that J's have the handheld market supersaturated (especially with the DS) and the majority is still playing the PS2, that means that a lot of them are still waiting for the Wii and the PS3 to get better in games library (and the PS3 also in price) then they'll buy it...