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I think they are talking about software and developments in the pipeline for the 360, not some mythical console of power...I DO believe they will announce something in 2009, if the console is due in 2011, but 360 will have enjoyed a nice 6 year run. BTW, if they make the next xbox backward comp, it won't hurt sales, imho, look at Ninty and Sony...I actually MS is going to launch a zune optimized for gaming in gut tells me they want to compete on all levels. The zune is already built and established, and they would be modding that platform, not creating something new, so cost will be very reasonable. Looking at R&D expenditures over 2008, M$ is researching SOMETHING big...20-30 million in R&D is a TON of cash, but when you're burning in the hundreds of millions, you're working on big things...really big.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder