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Comrade Tovya said:
Right, everybody can get mad all day long, and sue folks left and right, but Obama will still sworn in next month.. nothing will change that.

So, if you don't like him, start planning a strategy for 2012 right now... don't waste your breath complaining, it won't do a bit of good. I'd be willing to bet every dollar to my name, which is no small amount, that nothing (not even if he admitted to sleeping with and beating prostitutes every night of his adult life) will keep him from taking that oath in January. He will be the next president of the U.S. either way.

So start planning for 2012, anything else is a waste of time.

My opinion on Obama or the doubters aside, this is more damaging to conservatives than it is to liberal.  If they succeed, the conservatives look like they stole the election.  If a case is heard and finds for Obama, they look like they are wasting the courts time and trying to steal the election.  If it is ignored, as it has been, then they look like conspiracy theorist.

If a Republican for congress wants to win in '10 or '12, they have to appeal to the constituents and avoid bad national press.  If a Republican wants to win the POTUS in '12, I don't really know.  I think, the best the GOP can hope for is a strong candidate in '12 that will help win or keep seats in congress.

But it will be rough for the GOP. The economy will be better.  We'll be out of Iraq, if it ends up good Obama gets the credit, if it turns into civil war, Bush gets the blame because people feel we shouldn't have been there in the first place.  More entitlements will also mean more support for Dems, because once people get them they won't want to give them up (even if they were against it at inception).

And that's just considering bad luck, imagine if Obama has good luck or is a good president...

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.