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Ok been in the beta for a couple months now, and things have goten better, then bad, and then slightly better..

But I can say this, if they do release it this month:

A) It's going to be a huge patch, that I didn't even test yet.

5) If there is no patch don't get your hopes up because it's just not what people are expecting yet.

G) If they release it this month expect many, many, patches, weekly... heck maybe even daily because they are just rushing it out the door and hoping for the best.


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o