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@Twesterm It's actually a glitch in the game. We should play some L4D together, are you actually mowing down zombies in expert on the last level of the campaign? Our strategy for the last level of any campaign is to find a small room and quadruple melee until tank music appears run out set him on fire, run away avoiding him and repeat the process.

@Comrade I'm quite sure they did, I haven't played a pub game on expert but I've watched my friend join a pub on Expert and they got nowhere fast, couldn't even get past Blood Harvest 2nd level damn sad.

Also I'm speculating that a tank actually doesn't take any health damage from fire. I think this is true from being set on fire as a Tank in versus, my hp bar didn't decrease but I still died in a couple minutes with half my hp. Anyone else have similar experiences regarding how a tank dies from fire?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-