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konnichiwa said:
Sam Yikin said:
konnichiwa said:
Why should it matter if heis born in the USA or not? Doesn't any resident of the USA haves the right to be president?


Nope, you have to be a "natural born citizen." Which is kind of silly in my opinion.


 I agree it is silly.

Silly, but the law.  These things really should be fixed through the correct channels and not just by ignoring BS.

Funny too since the last time people wanted it changed the Democrats were the ones against it... because they were afraid of Arnold Swartzneggar or something.

The one thing in politics that still amuses me is how the vast majority of the lawmakers opinions on issues seem to exactly change with how much said issue helps or hurts them.

A government unwilling to change stupid laws and instead just ignore them is one crappy government.