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RayRay102 said:

I have heard the Sony Fanboys claiming that their lineup is going to destroy the 360 in 2009 and that Microsoft have no games left.

Well, I just peeked through the list of comfirmed release from Jan - April of 2009 and the 360 totally kicked the PS3.

note*  all release dates are based on Gamestop as of 12/5/08.

Of course everyone is saying that Killzone 2 will be the best game in Gods Green Earth and I agreed but what other exclusives are there for PS3 in the first quarter?

The xbox 360 will have 4 exclusives all of which are different genre to fill in the gap nicely.

1. Halo Wars releasing on 2/2/09 (trust me, with the addition of 3 Halo 3 maps on the CE, it will sell well over the million mark)

2. Ninja Blade 2/3/09 (great for the action Ninja Gaiden / DMC Fans

3. Star Ocean Last Hope 3/3/09 (great RPG series and will no doubt be one of the finest RPG of this generation)

4. Last but not least is the GTA4 DLC (I know it is just an expansion pack but it is GTA and it will be huge).

Also don't forget forget the Triple Treat from Capcom (SF4, RE5, and Bionic Commando) will be Multi-platform and will be huge sellers as well (at least the first 2).

I will no doubt get KZ2 (unless it is HAZE all over agin, seems highly unlikely) but what I am trying to say is that there are alot of dellusional people that keep saying that the 360 has no more games after 2008; what else do they have left after Gears 2; PS3 2009 lineup will destoy...etc..etc.

I know 2009 will finally have the great games that PS3 owners like myself are waiting for but the Xbox also have great exclusives as well. Also, as we all know from Gears 2 last year, Microsoft will wait till the time is right to announced something big to build up hype for them. No, I don't think Halo Recon was it, it will be something bigger ( I hope anyway)

I dont know to me Killzone 2 looks better then those games,I've never really had any intrest in Halo wars,Ninja Blade looks decent to be but I've never really cared for the Ninja Gaiden games except the ones on the NES and i've never really got to play a Star Ocean game and the DLC for GTA4 doesnt really do all that much im still going threw GTA4 at the moment.