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FishyJoe said:
Groucho said:
You guys take this stuff way too seriously. Its fun to give props to folks who predict correctly, but knocking people for predicting wrong and having different ideas to throw into the mix... that's messed up and wrong.

You guys have issues.

Okay I will admit I will enjoy the "enjoy your crow, much?" posts I'll put here when the time comes, its true, but I don't expect any less from you guys, and my awesome rightness won't perpetuate itself past this thread, I promise. ;)


It's not the predictions that we knock, it's the flawed logic not backed up by any facts. Kind of like you're prediction of the Wii falling over 30% in others.

Wait... are you saying that you think that relying upon historical numbers, which are derived from sales in completely different economic situations, when there's a severe economic downturn, worldwide, is "flawless logic"?  You believe that, since there were record turnouts, for a HUGE sales (i.e. discounted prices.. something of a draw, usually) week, for the most inexpensive consoles on the market, you believe that the general populace will continue to spend, spend, spend for the entire Holiday season?

In response to a severe economic crisis, do you believe that the general population will (a) shop for discounts, like those found during a sales period, or (b) just spend their money whenever they see the opportunity?