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Obama probably isn't legal to be US president.  But he is.  It really is time to move on.  No judge is going to hear this, even if they do think agree that his presidency is illigitimate.  What worries me is that nobody bothered to check something like this out before he was practically in office.  You'd think the dems would be a little more thorough with the background checks on their nominees.  The thing that irritates me though, Obama probably isn't a legitimate president because he probably had to denounce his US citizenship.  Woulda been great to be able to run Arnold against him.  He couldn't run though.  He wasn't born in the US, by his own admission.  The reason i've stated that Obama probably isn't the legal president is that he hasn't commented on this at all.  This is kind of a big deal, and he's simply ignoring it.  If he had nothing to hide he would clue people in to the truth.

Hope that made sense.  I have the flu, so i'm sorry for any poor grammar.