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7.) What type of attitude should I expect from the Team Fortress 2 community? I was really kinda hoping to avoid the Halo retard/troll type crowd. I know I'm going to run into some of that no matter where I go, but I was hoping to see as little of that as possible.

I haven't played a lot of online games, but most people on there seem to be incredibly nice guys, oddly enough. There are some idiots there, but they seem to hang together on certain servers, and if you're not an idiot yourself, you don't visit that server. At least 8/10 servers have nice people in charge, and they generally kick annoying idiots if an admin is on (which one generally is).

The only real problem is some people who mic abuse, but you can personal mute, and then it isn't really a problem.

The Team Fortress 2 community is from my experience a bunch of swell guys.


4.) How bad am I going to get murdered on Team Fortress 2? I know you can turn down the visuals for lower specced PCs, but I'm sure everyone else is doing that with much more powerful PCs than mine. and can anyone recommend the best class for newbies to start out with?


Team Fortress 2 is a very nice game towards new people. Crappy at aiming (like me), go Engineer and build sentries, Medic and heal people, Pyro and flank enemies or Heavy and shoot randomly around you.

Teamwork is essential in TF2. If you go with some teammates, you can easily get around doing decently.

As for what I recommend starting with, you should go by Valve's maps, not the user maps, as they have abuses and such (which is nice, but takes a long time to realise how to counter, so it is bad for beginners).


For the classes, I would say


Scout - No, demands good running, great aim and a good overview.

Soldier - Needs to reload a lot and is slow. Also needs some tactics to avoid getting owned by both Demoman and Pyro. Not recommened, but possible.

Pyro - Yes. You have a flamethrower, and if you're not stupid, you should come by killing a decent amount of people (at least 0.75 pr life). Not a lot to learn, and no reload.



Demoman - not really. You could place stickies and such, but you need to know what to do.

Heavy - not really. No reload, but is slow as hell, and good snipers/spies will kill you like hell.

Engineer - Yes. You can build a sentry, and then wander off a bit dragging enemies to it (or let them run to it themselves of course). Easy to learn, and gives you a lot of perspective.



Medic - Yes. You can heal everyone (overheal to 125% too), and this is where you should be most helpful. Don't run around with your gun a lot though.

Sniper - Unless you're great at aiming with a scope, no - not at all.

Spy - Under no condition should you spy before you're good.


So overall, I recommened changing classes.

You can always be Medic/Engineer/Pyro, and if you're on defense also Heavy/Demo or on offense soldier too (there are maps that aren't only offense/defense, but rather a mix, but you probably won't play them a lot early on).

I tried to keep it a bit basic, as you will understand the rest after having played a while.


Also, if the entire enemy team is engineers with sentries up, you don't go pyro. Each class has a relative weakness to another or some situations (demoman kills sentries), but generally the rest of your team will fix that. If you lack a medic, however, and the enemy has one, you're probably going to lose though (if the teams are about as good as each other)

Still teamwork and tactics is the most important in TF2. You can easily be very important to the team while killing very few people.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS