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Welcome to Real talk with Snake612 December 8,2008 edition. I decided to put my weekly thread on Monday and Friday. Well, check out the line-up for today. Today's edition is a bit smaller edition than Friday.

Real Talk Interview with RolStoppable

Snake612's Thoughts on this Holiday Season

Snake612's Thoughts about gaming in 2009

Music Video chosen by Snake612 to close out the show

Preview of next Real Talk thread

First, I am going to start off with the interview I had with RolStoppable. A couple of weeks ago I asked RolStoppable If I can ask him some questions about Sonic and what he thought about the recent release of Sonic Unleashed. It was a privilege interviewing him and I just want to say Special Thanks to RolStoppable for the interview. Here's the interview, I hope you guys enjoy!

Real Talk Interview with RolStoppable

Snake612: What are your first thoughts on Sonic Unleashed?

RolStoppable: It's a pretty good game and the Werehog levels aren't as bad as I expected them to be. The main problem of the game is that there are simply too many Werehog stages, especially when compared to the regular Sonic levels, about thrice as many. Playing as Sonic is really great in Sonic Unleashed, without a doubt the best levels in a 3D Sonic game. The Werehog is decent, but it wouldn't be a loss if it wasn't in the game.

A full Sonic title in which you only play as the blue blur would have kicked ass, but alas Sega always seems to have to add some gimmicks into the games. I can recommend Sonic Unleashed to every Sonic fan, but it's still sad to see how much potential was wasted in this game by putting so much focus on the Werehog sections.

Snake612: Is this game the official comeback of Sonic?

RolStoppable: I wouldn't say that Sonic was ever gone. While the 3D games usually had their fair share of problems and could never live up to the greatness of the 2D games, they were still enjoyable, except for Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic 06. The 2D games on the GBA and DS were good to great games. Most of the criticism towards Sonic is probably due to Super Mario staying great over all these years, while Sonic's transition to 3D never really worked that well.

Sonic Unleashed is definitely a step into the right direction, at least when it comes to the levels you play as Sonic. But once again, Sega has to stop putting gimmicks into the games and build an entire game around Sonic alone with the gameplay from Unleashed. That would be awesome and I think that's what most fans would really want.


Snake612:Does Sonic really adapt well with the gameplay?

RolStoppable: Yes, the change between 3D and 2D gameplay in the Sonic stages is fluidly, the sense of speed is amazing and the level design is very good. The Werehog is a different story, while in their own right these stages play well and have some nice ideas to prevent the game from becoming repetitive, they simply can't match the brilliance of the Sonic levels. It's a pity that a large part of the game has to be played as Werehog.

Snake612: How long do you think Sonic will last in the gaming industry?

RolStoppable: As long as Sega exists, which will be for a long time. Sonic is a true gaming icon, one of the most popular characters in the videogame industry, he is here to stay.

Snake612: Did you enjoy the game?

RolStoppable: Yes, more than the previous 3D Sonic games.

Snake612: What makes this game different from other Sonic games?

RolStoppable: First and most importantly, it makes the Sonic gameplay work in 3D better than any previous game (and it really works well). Second, the Werehog obviously. Yes, that's not really a positive thing, but it's at least better than those annoying Knuckles/Rouge stages from the Sonic Adventure games.

Snake612: If you can pick your favorite Sonic game of all time, which one would it be and why?

RolStoppable: I would pick Sonic Rush Adventure on the DS due to its great sense of speed, awesome level design and excellent soundtrack. Sure, the boat sections in 3D aren't exactly good and more of an annoyance, but the game has a lot of levels, hidden stages and a mission mode which makes it the 2D Sonic game with the most content.

I want to thank RolStoppable for the interview. I hope you didn't mind me using your avatar for the interview. Thank you again.

Coming up next Snake612's thoughts on the Holiday Season

Snake612's Thoughts on the Holiday Season

Alright, I going to be Real with you guys. I am not that excited with the holiday season this year. First of all, I will start with the PS3. I own a PS3 and this Christmas, in my opinion, there are limited choices for me when it comes to buying some games this season. Not only that but I am broke. I can't really afford $60 games. So that's why I am going safe by purchasing used games until I can save up enough money to buy the new titles.

This season I will be only purchasing a laptop. As you didn't know, I am sharing my mom's laptop with my sister. Because I can't use it all time, I barely can spend more hours in postng on vgchartz or just thinking of what to put on my next Real Talk. Recenly, I came up to my mother and asked her if I can get a Laptop for Christmas and she said yes. I was so relieved! Finally, I will be able to put twice he effort into my Real Talk threads. Who knows? when I get the laptop, maybe I can put Real Talk on five days a week. Wouldn't you VGChartz users like that?

I think I am just going to keep it cool this Christmas and buy a Laptop. I know for sure in 2009, PS3 will have a good variety of exclusive titles. This situation brings me into my next article on Real Talk and its called Snake612's Thoughts on gaming in 2009

That is coming up in a few minutes......

Snake612's Thoughts on Gaming in 2009

Okay you guys here's what I have to say about the gaming industry in 2009. The gaming industry in 2009 is going to be amazing. The game line-up for the three main consoles is absolutely ridiculous. I won't tell you who has the best line-up but all I know is in 2009, things are going to look up. Even the economic crisis here in the US, thats not going to stop gamers from getting out and buying their games!

Now! Lets start off with the Wii's line-up. First, about their line-up, all i have to say is WOW! I mean the exclusive games they have is Sin and Punishment 2, No More Heroes 2, A New Zelda title!, the return of Punch Out!, and a possible Luigi Mansion for the Wii! I got to say, I hope I will have a Wii in 2009. That's just one of the many games to come!

Okay next the 360! Microsoft will be fighting a hard battle next year but will be throwng some hard punches with their monster games and exclusives like Alan Wake, Star Ocean 4, Halo: ODST! Microsoft always comes hard when it comes to games and their online service is another story. I am just anxiously waiting how Microsoft will change up Xbox LIVE in 2009.


Now, lastly the PS3! Sony has been have a hard year but things will get better in 2009. Sony recently announce new IPs for the ps3 in 2009. Hopefully these new IPs will be as successful as Spyro, Sly Cooper, CrashBandicoot during their good years. However, THATS NOT ALL! The exclusive list is amazing! In 2009, Sony will be releasing Uncharted 2, Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Grand Turismo 5 and lastly the return of Kratos in the highly anticpated "God of War III"! Just imagine Kratos in HD killing so many bosses. Well, you will see next week when I show you guys the real-time gameplay of God Of War III. Make sure you guys check it out next monday at 7pm.

That's just a little bit of what to expect in the gaming industry in 2009. The gaming industry will be a great year for all consoles and handhelds! Can't wait!

Well, its about that time to end another Real Talk thread. Special thanks to RolStoppable for the interview and thanks to NikkoM once again for the logo. Make sure you guys tune in next Monday for Real Talk with Snake612 at 7pm! I will be premiering the trailer of Uncharted 2 on VGChartz and actual gameplay footage of God of War III straight from Spike's VGA Awards! See you guys later and I will be ending you with another music video.

Here is another video I like and I also really like the song. I don't know I just like picking videos to close out Real Talk. I picked this video because the title explains how the Real Talk threads are going to get!

Well, Here's the video

Kanye West "Stronger"