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twesterm said:
Comrade Tovya said:

Sweet, thanks for the tip... now I just gotta get someone to do it with!  Most of my clan-mates are playing COD:WaW, but I know one of my friends is still playing (him and I are boycotting the new COD, tired of the WWII genre)

Which brings up another point, of all the games I've played, there are some really horrible players in this game.  I always get stuck with at least one dude who thinks he's Rambo and runs off by himself, which of course in this game leads to everyone's death. 

Anyway, thanks again, great tip!


Rambo's are always annoying but I've only really encountered one and he didn't stick around for too long thankfully.

I actually had a pretty bad group for the first time last night.  We were playing Blood Harvest on expert and it started out good.  Everyone had mics at least.  And then we left the first safe house.

Three of us bunch up and start killing some of the zombies in the distance.  A few come running at us and then one genius decides to run in front of us so he can get in their face with the shotgun.  He steps in front of all three of us and just immediately goes down.  He called us a bunch of fucking noobs and then quit.

The rest was going decently.  One of the guys never really got the whole you have to crouch if you're in front thing but it was fun.  We had a lot of excellent finishes and just had an all around good time even though there were only three of us (we saw the douche try to join a few times and then instantly quit when he saw it was us).

We then got to the finale, made our plan, and then got slaughtered.  It was just one of those times we had a bad start and things just kept going down.  No big deal, it happens.

So we restart and one guy pretends to disconnect.  The second the guy leaves the other guy then pulls the same act.  Twats.



That really sucks man, I know exactly how you feel.  The other night I was playing with 3 new guys who were playing for the first time... no problem, everybody has to start somewhere.

So I'm showing these guys where to go, hide, etc, etc, on expert, and I manage to get all 3 of these guys to stage 5 on the hospital building, and one guy says, "hey man Nick just got on line... sorry dude you gotta go"

Boom, I was booted from the game just like that... I spent about 2 hours getting these guys to the roof, holding their hands, teaching them how to play, and what thanks go I get?  Booted on the final level.  I'll never do that again.  That was a huge waste of two hours of my life.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
