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Khuutra said:
noname2200 said:
Khuutra said:
Soriku said:
Yes it was. You just don't like Tales much :P

Can we turn this into a topic where we argue about the merits of different Tales games?

Because hearing a JRPG preach to me about racism is really something I could have gone without. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with Symphonia except for what pseudo-intellectual anime crap is shoehorned into it.

I was alright with Symphonia (nothing spectacular, but the fights were mindless fun). But I'm really glad to see that I'm not the only one who was amused by a lot of the plot elements.


The most fun me and my brother had playing that game was trying to set up essentially endless combos with Regal and Lloyd. We got very close a few times. Stomped the ultra secret boss into a mudhole.

But yes I think not being able to take the game's plot seriously is hardly a bad thing.

@Shadowblind: I wish, I wish you had not said that. That would have been a very nice surprise.



Well kuutra you sounded like you needed some reassurence. Sorry for spoiling it though, thats why I wrote it in all black :P. But its one thing to know about it, its another to know why, what becomes of it, ect.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.