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Barozi said:
Solid_Raiden said:
Barozi said:
Solid_Raiden said:
Barozi said:
Solid_Raiden said:

Alan Wake looks amazing and will get a buy from me. I might get SO4 but I don't really play role playing games anymore. I'm interested in Huxley but I'll wait and see. I'll also wait and see about Splinter Cell. The rest don't interest me. I got sucked into the hype and bought Halo 3 Legendary edition and was absolutely let down. I am a single player campaign person more then online and the single player was utter crap imho so I doubt I'll give the expansion pack the time of day.
Some impressive looking games though. Also an awesome thread. This is what that other thread wished it could be.


EDIT: KUF2 was under my radar. I hadn't even heard from it until now. So thank you as that vid looked amazing. I will keep it on my radar. I just hope it plays well. That part that you could tell was gameplay didn't quite look as amazing, kind of reminded me of lair and that game sucked. But I'll be watching and hoping it's awesome! :)

Halo campaign is always meant to be played in co-op. That's where the game deserves an AAA rating.

Every game that lets me play CO-OP I do. My girlfriend plays every game with me she can and we played the entire campeign together. We also played with some friends online CO-OP. But that begs the question, does playing a crappy game with other people really make that game good? Why should I play a game that just wasn't good imo with friends when there are games that are really fun I can play with people? I'd rather play co-op on Gears, Gears 2, R2, L4D, LBP and so many other games that were actually fun to me no matter how many people I play with.

It doesn't turn the game from bad to good, but it makes a good game more enjoyable.

And just saying Halo 3's campaign was utter crap makes me think you haven't played many FPS in your life, even when your games collection tells a different story.

And you defending Halo 3's campaign makes me believe you haven't played a good FPS in your life. See, I can do that too when someone's opinion doesn't agree with mine. :P

yeah well I meant you probably haven't played many FPS (good AND really bad ones) in your life. I can easily list you over 50 FPS I played which are crappier than Halo 3.

Maybe you're too spoilt with high quality shooters. Who knows...


 Well, I certainly haven't played 50 FPS games and wouldn't claim to but I've played my share of shooters. In addition to the shooters in my gaming collection there are also all the games I've rent and owned but then sold or traded in as I only keep games on my gaming collection that I still own. Yes, I've played some bad FPS games, and Halo is better then them. But just because it's better then game x which was awful doens't make it a good game IN MY OPINION. Like I said, I look for single player more then online. I haven't once said Halo 3 online sucked, it would probably be in my top 5 multiplayer games, but the campaign is what I was looking for and instead I got a game with lackluster graphics from a series that sells 8 million copies, a piss poor story that was impossible for me to get invested into, characters that didn't mean much to me ad whom I couldn't relate to, and overall the game seemed very rushed as in I was going from place to place but it was unclear why or I just didn't care because the way it was so poorly narrated. I have many Halo fanatic friends, which is why I bought the game, and they all agreed with me that they felt the campaign was very lacking and ultimately just not good. Again, I never said the game was bad, I merely commented on the single player and my impressions. The online is great although I still prefer COD4, Team Fortress 2, R2 and some others but I know better then to say the online in Halo is anything other then great. Personally I would rate my favorite FPS games as

1. Call of Duty 4

2. Bioshock

3. The Orange Box

4. Resistance 2

5. Rainbow Six Vegas

Now, looking at my list you might notice that one thing that they have in common is that the campaigns in these games are story driven games with great campaigns excluding Resistance 2 which doesn't have as amazing a campaign but a game who offers an 8 player co-op mode that I've spent much time playing with my girlfriend and together we find it one of the most amazing FPS experiances we've ever shared. Now if I was to go on naming games I garantee you that Halo 3 wouldn't be too far down the list because of it's exceptional multiplayer, in fact it would probably be number 6. But like I said I hated the campaign and will be staying away from a campaign based expansion. Even if it had more online I probably wouldn't play it just because I've moved on to other shooters and will soon have K2 to lose my life to and I've given halo 3 plenty of playtime. I'll just wait for 4 and hope it has a good campaign. Or maybe I feel this way because it was hyped to hell and I was told I could "Finish the fight" but I didn't feel like I finished shit to tell you the truth.

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