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noname2200 said:
Groucho said:

Okay... so its the X360 Arcade that is hard to find around here (Seattle area) since Black Friday. Wii supply seems to be exceeding demand decently this year. They are stocked pretty high in just about every store (there are *mountains* of them).

Since you seem to be in the only place in America that's like that, buy some and eBay 'em dude. Easy money!


Seattle is supposed to be one of the "high tech" hotspots in America.  I would wager that Wiis are pretty commonplace here in and California, and perhaps New York, Chicago, etc.  Everyone who wants one, has one now.  Its rural America (which is the majority of consumers) that is probably still supply constrained, because the Wii is still "catching fire" there.

That being said, the Wii's sales can't last forever -- I think the Japanese sales, where saturation occurs much more rapidly, is evidence of that.  It doesn't have DVD, etc. support, so I doubt it will have the legs of the PS2.  I wouldn't call it a "fad", but... its lacking some extended value that will eventually lead to Nintendo needing to release another console.. and sooner than Sony had to, in the last generation.

From a business point of view, this is pure genious, from Nintendo's perspective.  There's no reason to believe that consumers won't be all over a HD version of the Wii, etc.