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Strategyking92 said:
noname2200 said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
Strategyking92 said:
.. or you hope.

graphics is surely a factor, I mean; ewww.
you can even tell they are low budget! If you need proof, look at the new failed Tales game.

Vesperia could have had better graphics in some areas and we now about its stilted sales on the 360 but I wouldn't call it a "failed" Tales.




*sigh* I might have made what I was saying confusing because I typed in multiple posts:


I was talking about wii rpg's blah blah blah. Blah.

Then I used symphonia 2 as an example that expectations don't always mean quality. 


I was not talking about vesperia. But if I was; SO: symphonia 2=  bad critically, vesperia= bad sales=wise (so far)

I think microsoft coud bundle vesperia to convince them to keep it exclusive though.

Saying that Symphonia gaiden is "bad critically" doesn't mean anything because it's a good game. Tales games (and RPGs in general) are never on the high end of review scores. Tales of Destiny was a fantastic game and Gamespot gave it a 4.5 out of 10. I think you can see how irrelevant such an arbitrary number was in the long run. Using that as a measure of "failure" means absolutely nothing to anyone but fanboys and has no place in a discussion about Tales.

What we can discuss are sales and Symphonia gaiden is vastly outperforming Vesperia. It was never really a competition and I don't see the point in pitting them against each other (since Wii is already getting the next game). They're the same franchise and I'll love all the games.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"