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Hey guys, i know this is my 'first' post, but I'm actually just rickthestick2 come back to life.

Anyways, the thing with LBP that I find extremely funny is that before it came out, on this site specifically, there were people saying how it would sell awesome and all that jazz. And now look. Just think to yourself, they are defending why LBP didn't sell good, even though its an awesome game made for the casual style of play. How can it not do good?

It didn't do good because it was on the PS3. PS3 isn't advertised as a game made for casual play styles. The Wii is, the DS and PSP are (because they are handhelds, they have that "casual-ness" by definition), heck even the 360 is to a certain extent. The PS3 however is presented to people not as a console that can give a casual sense. No, it's marketed as a system that is a great piece of technology and for the more 'hardcore' style of play.

How can a casual style game do good in that environment? It can't, and I'm surprised people expected it to. With that said, I never played the game, nor do I have a PS3 (i'm Wii60) so i can't say whether PS3 or LBP are fun or not, and i'm not denying that they are. But we have to analyze why LBP failed to rise to the un-reasonably high expectations people had for it, or at least maintain the hype raised for it during the more 'dry' days of this year.

"Faith is the Essence of things hoped for; and it is the evidence of things not seen"