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bigjon said:


 yea, the source is guessing he means 775k... Maybe it is 799? 805? Source could be right. But either way Wii sales were more like 850k in NA at the least (775k + 10%)

Also if we are gonna assume Nintendo is rounding up or exagerating... then why dont we just assume that MS MEANT to say the 360 increase 22% when they said "about 25%"

just a thought.

I'm not going to defend his Wii number, but I will say that the US -> All NA figure is definitely +5%, not 10%, based on all past VGC data.

Also, Nintendo doesn't know the precise number of Wiis sold to the consumer either: shipments would have been lower than sellthrough due to stockpiling and so for other figures Nintendo have to rely on NPD, etc. which can be just as (in)accurate as VGC.