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Soriku said:

That's pretty far, but you still have a while to go.

Seriously dude, finish this game!! Don't you want DotNW? Finish it! It just gets better and better until the end! Otherwise I lose respect for you. D:



Between Gears 2, L4D, F.E.A.R XP, Fable II(I still have more quests to do, and I've logged at least 100 hours :P) my new PS3, LBP, SOCOM, NXE and most importantly exams (****.) I have practically no time. As soon as Christmas break is here I'll have more then enough time. As for DotNW, I've been to Blockbuster 3 times already and they still don't have it, and I am broke.


In any case I'm not letting the year finish without playing DotNW , and Ill try to beat Symphonia before I do. Usually though I can never put a Tales game down after I've started.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.