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WessleWoggle said:
Reasonable said:
Can we end this thread please? Hype, etc. is irrelevant. LTD sales (using this site) are as I type is at 850,000 K and doesn't even have Week 4 Others sales up yet. Unless it just stops selling its clearly going to clear 1M plus with no trouble.

I'd say anyone just jumping in to go 'oh, and LBP is a FLOP' is just Trolling as there's no way with those sales already you can remotely judge the game to have flopped based on any conventional judgment of its sales vs other PS3 titles.

Now, if people want to talk about how its sales may be disappointing based on Sony's comments prior to launch, etc. then that's fine. But simple 'It's a FLOP' with nothing to justify it is simply wasting everyone's time.



Fck the sales, it's flop isn't in sales, but in it's popularity. No where near as popular as it was supposed to be. I don't give a damn about sales right now, I never even look at them anymore.



"Supposed to be" according to who?  That's just opinion.  Just because Sony want something to be massively popular doesn't mean it will be.  The same goes for any game.  Some hit big and some don't.  Many times its nothing to do with the game itself but timing of release, market conditions, etc. etc.

The game is excellent.  It achieves pretty much everything it was deemed to deliver (something which most games fail to, even the big sellers) and that's enough for me.  Like everthing its either for you or its not but that's about your taste, not the game itself unless its actually flawed in its mechanics - something which LBP certainly isn't.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...