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FPSrules said:
josenieves1 said:

For the Spanish speakers (readers): ¿Debo adquirir una consola PS3 estas Navidades?

I have both a Wii and the Xbox360.  I love both because of the diversity of games and extra functionality.  Love RPG (Japanese and western).  Love "casual" games like Animal Crossing / Harvest Moon (!!!! my wife plays it and I catch the “virus”) and love "hardcore" games like Halo / Bioshock / Wii Kart (yes, WiiKart is hardcore).  Also love the streaming capabilities of the Xbox360 and the Live online service.

Does the PS3 will offer me other/better gaming experience or is better for me to save the intended purchase money towards other Wii60 games like Fallout / Gears 2 / Wii Music? 

Please excuse my English.  My maternal language and the one that I use in my Work / friends / family / University is Spanish for about 90% of the time. 

Please comment.



 you should buy a ps3 considering how many exclusives are coming out next year, and the ones out now are pretty good.

but i recommend since you have some games to keep you occupy you should wait till next year to buy a ps3 cause they most likely will be a price cut early next year since blu ray is now cheaper to make. but here is a list of ps3 exclusives you can look up and consider buying.

NOTE- there are many exclusives not included in this list because its a bit outdated, its just some of the many


 Very informative link, thanks.

Wii code: 4679-4491-5808-6319,MKWii: 4296-3394-2843; Animal Crossing Wii: 3008-1736-4670.