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...Mind you, I'm talking only non-bundled games - Wii Sport, Play, and Fit fans look elsewhere.

MK:Wii is a true blue, un-arguable core title, and what it's doing right now is unprecidented. 400,000+ units last week, and by all accounts, will sell another 400k this week too.

Given these trends, does anyone else want to join in and say that it'll pass Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas's 16 million units, and secure it's rightful place in history as the biggest game ever?

I've never played MK: Wii, but was a diehard fan of Mario Kart for SNES oh-so many years ago, so it's nice to see such a good series get the kind of respect it deserves - and maybe prove to Nintendo that games like Sports and Fit aren't the only kind of titles that people want.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.