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There have been games I have been unable to beat, but I will only include the ones that I owned. It is just too hard to have the time and enough tries to beat some games at friends houses.

Batman Returns (SNES, Side Scroller beat em up) - Man this game was hard. You could pretty much learn how to beat the flunkies almost flawlessly, but some bosses were just so freaking hard. If I remember you get to bosses where they just keep spawning flunkies, so you have no choice but to take the boss down with 2 other guys beating you up. Plus you have about the same amount of lives you would expect from an arcade game.

Super Gouls n Ghosts (SNES, Side Scroller) - This game was not exactly super hard when you are powered up. You can choose the sweet powers as you get chests and get pretty bad ass. The problem is when you make one damn mistake you lose your armor and have to survive with crap attack power for ages. Its doable at the early stages but when you are too far in its just so hard.

Viewtiful Joe (GC, Side Scroller) - I am hesitant to include this, as I probably would have finished it if I hadn't moved to Japan and sold my GC. I managed to beat the fire lion boss on the hard difficulty level, but got stuck on the next level. I needed a key or something and just couldn't find it. Still given how hard the previous boss was I'm not sure if I would have prevailed. I'll probably buy this and try again at some stage.

I'm interested in giving the SNES games another shot. I was pretty young back then. Maybe I am smart enough to beat them, but reflexes have probably gone down.

I must say I do miss games that are really hard. Not just games that have a nightmare mode where the bad guys shoot you more and have way more health, but games that are actually designed that way. I love the satisfaction of really playing away at something and finally beating it. Now that I am so experienced with games it is rare that something offers much challenge. Hopefully games continue to be made that offer this.