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JPSandhu said:

PlayStation 3

If the more recent cloud of negativity surrounding the PS3 has erased your memory of the hype surrounding its launch, let us remind you: Some of these things sold for over $2,000 on eBay in the days after they went on sale. A man was shot trying to secure one. It was the ultimate gaming machine, the console to destroy all consoles, the status symbol of November 2006. And it totally flopped. After most gamers discovered that being able to see individual blood droplets from an alien’s brain or the glistening sweat on a football player’s neck didn’t make the games any more fun, the $600 price of admission just didn’t seem worth it anymore. Nearly two years later, it’s starting to gain some ground, but we’re guessing the guys that originally shelled out thousands of them to impress their friends still feel like tools. (Read our PS3 Review)

this article is completely filled with bullshit. $2,000 for a ps3, its not the first time consoles were sold on ebay for ridious prices. if im not mistaking 360's at launch were sold on ebay for around the same amount, but its not criticised for it, let alone sony, ms, nintendo, etc has no control over ppl aucting their products. its not the first time either ppl were robbed trying to get a console on launch, it happens all the time. when you at the front door of a shop waiting in the cold, its doesn't take a genius to figure out you have something valuable

reviewers really need to stop using their personal grudge aganist a product simpiltiy because they don't like it, its just a console