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"IGN's reviews are fast becoming a laughing stock, we all know they "Bottled" it and gave resistance 2 the same score as gears 2 in fear of alieniting some of their fans, And since when was IGN the "gospel" of gaming reviews?"

They probably gave them the same score because Resistance 2 improved on Resistance I in the same way while Gears 2 was pretty much the same hide, shoot, hide game as the first one with a new story tacked on and a new game play mechanic that was standard fare on the old Unreal engine games beginning with Splinter Cell being able to grab the enemy and use them as a shield you could do that Christmas '02 and maybe earlier.

I give credence to IGN reviews because their scores have been on the internet for over ten years which is longer than most and that makes it easier to see what they have thought of certain games over time.

"Rocket: robots on wheels? Sly cooper? ha ha ha, i'll give credit where credits due to platformers like ratchet and clank, but sly cooper? gimme a break, they also made fahrenheit and for me personally max payne is far better than fahrenheit."

Here are the Game Rankings scores for the titles in question:
Sly 2: Band of Thieves 87.783 PS2 -- (IGN Score = 92)
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoones 85.132 -- PS2 -- (IGN Score =
Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves 83.979 -- PS2 -- (IGN Score = 81)
The Crackdown 83.428 -- 360 --(IGN Score = 80)
Rocket Robot on Wheels 82.371 --N64 -- (IGN Score = 90. What is significant about this score is that this is the exact same score that IGN N64 gave such highley regarded games as the N64 version of Rayman 2: The Great Escape widely considered to be the best modern platformer and Rare's Donkey Kong 64. You say The Crackdown is a top top game, yet it pails in its scores in comparison to other "top top" games on the 360 which have aggregate review scores about 11-14 points higher. Yet Rocket ranks with some of the greatest games of all times.)

Now for some reason, you decided to bring Quantum Dream and Rendition into this paragraph. Because I think you are talking about Indigo Prophecy when you are mentioning Fahrenheit which was developed by Quantum Dream the developers that are working on Heavy Rain for the PS3. This really wasn't the proper place of the post to mention these two games. However, if you look up the Game Ranking scores for the PC versions of Max Payne, you see that they both scored higher than the PC version of Indigo Prophecy. However on the original XBOX Indigo Prophecy scores higher than both Max Payne games and Indigo Prophecy also fairs better than the PS2 versions of the Max Payne games.

The big questions in regards to Alan Wake by Rendition on the 360 and Heavy Rain by Quantum Dream on the PS3 though is the delays that have taken place in the development of Alan Wake. Alan Wake was originally set to come out in January of 2007 and Rendition hasn't released a game to my knowledge since 2003. Usually, when there is a two year delay in a game that should be simple to develop like a survival horror title it is indicative that for some reason the game was just failing to meet exepctations for some reason which I suspect was the case with Alan Wake.

Now, Quantum Dream's last game was released in 2005. And their new game seems to be meeting all early expectations. It has beautiful cinemas that aren't capable of being rendered in 360 games due to the space limitations of dvds which really prevents the 360 in my estimation from being the best place for cinema driven games and Heavy Rain seems to have incredible influences as the motorcycle scenes seem to be right out of Shenmue.

Speaking of Sega and Shenmue, Sega seems to be bringing all of their best cinema driven games exclusively to the PS3 these days. Kenshan!, the Yakuza series, Shenmue 3 and 4 if those are successful. Anyway, you say in our estimation that Max Payne is far better than Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy. Well, in my estimation, Max Payne couldn't even begin to even dream of being in the same league with Shenmue and Kenshan! And I have numbers to back that up. Shenmue IGN Dreamcast review score = 9.7 and Play Magzine's Play Japan section gave Kenshan! a 10 out 10 earlier this year and said that it was along with MGS4 the best mature audiences game to be developed in Japan so far in this generation.

"Crackdown is a top TOP game, ok, maybe you didn't like it but i bet theres over a million people who would disagree with you."

As pointed out above if it is a top Top game then why doesn't it have review scores comarable to other top Top games?

Heavens to Murgatoids.