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10) Resistance 2 (shouldn't be on the list)
9) Metal Gear Solid 4 (way too low)
8) Braid (shouldn't be on the list)
7) LBP 9.2 (good choice)
6) Fable II 9.2 (good choice)
5) Mirror's Edge (shouldn't be on the list) 8.5
4) Dead Space (shouldn't be on the list) 8.8
3) Left 4 Dead (shouldn't be there) 9.2
2) Fallout 3 (heard it was good) 9.5
1) GTA4! 9.8 (most overrated game this year)

needs SSBB, MKWii. if Braid got on that list, why hasn't a wiiware game like world of goo got on the list?

extreme bias