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Consider me part of the WMDS!

I got the game at launch and been enjoying it since. While I've always defended it (even though the E3 demonstration was horrible) the game managed to surprise me with its ease of use, depth and creativity. The game really does allow you to do whatever you want with a song!

For example, I tried a little experiment with the song "O Christmas Tree". I made up a story about a boy who receives a toy piano for Christmas, and he becomes a master piano player. The song has three pianos (toy piano, harpsichord and regular piano), each one representing the boy's life and the one song that started his dreams.

I've also done character based remixes. For example, I made a Frank West Mii (Dead Rising) and downloaded a Mii Zombie from the Mii channel. I had Frank sing "September" while the zombies were the band. I then made a remix of "Every breath you take" featuring "The Joker".

Right now I have over 50 videos, and I keep remixing a song each day.

I do believe, however, that it isn't for everybody. Its a niche concept that not everybody will get or even enjoy. It might be too sophisticated for the casual and too shallow for the hardcore. Either way, its a fun little title that deserves more credit than what it gets. A shame, really...