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I can't say much about Black Friday, but I want to give you my story, talking about Germany/Europe.

Well last Gen, it was all about PS2. No doubt. I had a xbox and people looked at me like i was an alien or something. The brand Playstation was very powerful. Sony spent a lot on advertising and it did pay off. (UEFA Champions League - the greatest soccer-tournament with the best clubs in Europe has Playstation as the main sponsor. As big as NFL would be without Baseball, basketball or hockey. Soccer is THE game to play here. No competition.)

Today things have changed MS finally has some demo-stations, where you can play the 360. Last gen, there were just PS2s. At my retailer there is a racing seat connected to the Xbox360 and Forza Motorsports2. Next to this seat you can smash the drums with Rockband2 for Xbox360.

The Wii still rulz. But not with software. The Xbox360-games are not crowded, but there is always somebody looking for games. and you see that experienced gamer are checking the Xbox360-software. They go, grab and leave. PS3 customers are reading the box, to make sure Need for Speed is must-have -.-

For the Wii part, you see parents asking employees to get some games. Or 10 years old judging game by the look of the box.

So: the Xbox360 really made a move. The Xbox is represented more than PS3. Which is an unbelievable success for Europe, especially Germany.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...